Payment Method Uses secure payment methods to ensure the safety of your funds.
Our website supports online payment via PayPal, credit card, and other local payment methods.

Payment Process

Select the product you want to purchase, click the "Checkout" button, you will enter the billing page, fill in your address information and select the payment method below.

  • Credit Card: Supported card types include Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Discover, Diners Club. Simply fill in your credit card information in the information box and confirm to complete the payment;
  • PayPal: Selecting PayPal payment will jump to a new browsing page, fill in your account information and confirm to complete the payment;
  • Local Payment: Local payment currently only supports Google Pay and Apple Pay, and we will gradually open more options. Select your payment method, fill in your account information and confirm to complete the payment.